Wednesday, December 14, 2011


This semester is winding down and I'm thinking toward 2012 and my goals for next year.

I feel like I am going to be in school forever and the stress will never end.

This year:

Drew broke his arm while we were in Alabama for my cousin's wedding

My sister had her second son in October

I know other great things have happened but right now my brain is mush. One more final to go...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

My Summer Workshare

This summer I have been doing a workshare CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) at a local farm. At this farm, by doing jobs such as planting, mulching, harvesting, washing lettuce, etc. a certain number of hours per week gets us a full share of vegetables, berries and herbs each week from June to October.

I have been wanting to join a CSA for a few years, but we haven't been able to put out the cash ($500ish) in years past. At the IPFW health fair this past spring I saw the booth for a local CSA and thought I would talk to the folks there. I was very excited when they told me about the work share program -who doesn't love (sort of) free stuff??

The work has been fun, rewarding, hard, and sweaty. I have learned a lot - really the tip of the iceberg - about what different plants need in the soil, how to harvest different vegetables and which bugs to squish versus which ones to put back on a plant. I've also met a lot of people form all walks of life who love fresh vegetables.

What I like best about the farm is that it is organic. I know the vegetables are safe for my family to eat, and quite frankly they taste better than what is available in the stores. I also love helping triple-wash the lettuce and knowing it is thoroughly checked over and I don't need to wash it again. I always wash lettuce from the store even if it says it is safe not to!

I would definitely suggest joining a CSA to anyone who is interested in fresh, delicious and flavorful food. A workshare is a great option for those of us who have time but might be lacking a bit in the money area. I consider the CSA workshare to be a terrific way to feed my family nutritious food all summer (and part of autumn!) long.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

We moved!

That's right folks - we moved with 1 1/2 weeks notice! One night as we were driving home I wanted Tony to go through a certain neighborhood (because I have this thing about looking at houses). He didn't want to and went a different way and we saw a house for rent that we had actually looked at a year ago.
He called the guy renting the house, worked out a great deal for us and signed the lease. We moved a week and a half after the lease was signed! Needless to say, the sorting through and purging I was planning on doing when we moved did not happen. I have giveaway boxes by my side as I am unpacking and am filling them up, slowly but surely.
Although it isn't a perfect house and not one we would buy, there are many things I love about this house:

~ We have a garage!! At this time it is still full of boxes, but soon we will be able to park in it!

~ Backyard - BIG backyard! The boys and I already played outside and had a blast! There is also a great patio with a firepit and a spot for a garden. Austin wants to grow corn and Drew wants to grow carrots.

~ We have a new fridge and a garage fridge. The fridge that was here is not very big and the bottom shelf is
cracked, so we bought a fridge since we will need one wherever we buy next.

~ Trees! Squirrels! Birds! It is great to look out the back window and see squirrels running around.

~ The den is big enough for me to have my craft table set up. This is a first in my adult life and I am looking forward to relaxing as I create. Being able to stop and not put everything away for dinner will be very refreshing.

~ We are allowed to paint (and we did). After living in no-paint apartments for the past three years it is really nice not to have all white walls.

~ Austin has two closets, one full of shelves. All of his Legos are set up in scenes on the shelves. It looks great, and he has played with them more since they are more accessible.

~ Drew is so happy he has blue walls! His xylophone and drum pad are also set up all the time so he can make music whenever he wants.

~ Finally, I don't feel guilty about the boys playing like boys and chasing each other around the house and yelling and (fun) screaming. It is so nice not to tell them to be quieter because "our neighbors are on the other side of the wall".

We will most likely live in this house until I am finished with school (May 2013). Then we will decide where to live, here or Indy or wherever I find a job and we agree on. It should be a nice place to call home for the next couple of years.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 Resolutions

Happy New Year!

As I start 2011, I can not believe I am turning 30 this year (next month!). Even when I was 20, 30 seemed ancient and here I am, knocking on the door. Now although my 10 year old thinks I am super old, 30 doesn't seem that bad to me. 40 is a different story . . .

I have resolutions for this year and in some ways I feel I have had the same ones for years and years. I suppose at some point I will fulfill at least one of them! Here they are:

1. Get healthier! I want to eat better and exercise more. I need to not care who will walk into the room when I am exercising and just do it. I know how/what I should eat but I talk myself into "treating" myself because I am so stressed, etc and that needs to stop. As a nurse (student and professional) I should be able to set a good example for my patients.

2. Continue purging our stuff that we don't use or need. We got rid of stuff this past year and it felt good! More is needed, partly because we don't have much storage and partly because we just plain old have too much crap.

3. Be more in the moment with my boys. I can't get this time back. It is easy to let stress or fatigue get to me and let them watch tv or play video games (yes even Drew -!) but really, they are young for such a small amount of time and then they are gone. I see this even with Austin - at 10, he doesn't want to do all the small things with me, such as building block castles or drive cars around on the carpet. It was a bittersweet moment today when he told me he wanted to box up his Bionicles and give them away (my feet are happy, but my little boy is growing up!). Anyway, I know I was involved with Austin and want to be the same way with Drew. How did I have so much more energy back then - am I really that old???? I'm not 40 :)

4. FIND A HOME CHURCH AND GO TO IT. This one is getting ridiculous.

5. Have fewer moments where I feel inadequate about nursing and feel like I want to quit school. Feeling like I am bad at things is not my favorite way to be.

6. Reupholster the ottoman and rocking chair. I have the fabric, just need to get it - as in me - together (and figure out how to use my sewing machine).

Well that about sums it up for this next year. We shall see what the year actually brings.