Thursday, June 25, 2009

Oh how I love Greenwood

I drove down to Greenwood twice this past week, once to drop Austin off and the second to pick him up (with Tony and Drew). Oh how I love it there! I feel so at home when I am driving and see places. Our old church is now HUGE since they have finished the renovations, Austin got to go inside and check it out with his friend. I went to a SuperTarget the day I dropped Austin off and oh how I love that place! I wish Fort Wayne had supers, but no just regular Target. Not exactly the same. The pool in our old neighborhood is not being used this year, they were having issues the summer after we moved out and I guess they did not resolve them? It is very empty, no water at all. We went to Long John Silvers to eat dinner (healthy I know) since I think Fort Wayne might have one but not easily accessible to us. But it was good - I love their chicken and the very unhealthy crunchies!
The Greenwood Freedom Festival is this weekend and I wish we were going but just don't have the money to do gas and food and hotel right now. I think we will go to the Family Fun Fair at our old church in August - we should have both cars paid off then and more money to work with each month. Oh how I love Greenwood, and I will not be surprised if we end up moving back. Maybe sooner, maybe later who knows but I bet it will happen.

Off to bed to listen to the thunder outside and hopefully sleep.

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