Monday, June 8, 2009

insomnia - what's new?

Here I am again up at 3am. I could really use some tylenol pm or something like that but I didn't go grocery shopping tonight b/c it was pouring outside. The movie "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" is on though which I love so at least I have something to amuse me!

Austin had his first day of FITS (Fun In The Son - aka vacation bible school) today. He got to do a rock climbing wall and tomorrow is skateboarding, with an "expert" coming to show them tricks. He is very excited about that. Although I have to drive 20 minutes across town, it is free which is so nice! The ones I've found down by us all cost, one is even $65. Yeah right I don't think so!! Austin is also taking an art class @ IPFW for the 3rd yeard in a row. He's doing 3-D art- same class as last year. So 2 weeks out of the summer are covered. Now all I have to do is keep him from being so bored for the rest of the time!

Well I think I will try to get to sleep again. Gotta get up @ 7:30 to get the boys ready to go! Woohoo

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I should have had you come over to mom and dad's and help me stuff invitations. Jess and I were there until 3am!!! I did think of calling you..oh well! They'll be sent out tomorrow after I put stamps on tonight! YAY!!!