Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Last one for 2008

Well I think this will be my last blog until NEXT year!  Seems like such a long way away . . .  : )

2008 was an interesting year to say the least.  We moved out of our house, moved up to Fort Wayne and are ending it still at my parents' house.  Did not see that one coming.  We are planning on being here until beg. of April so we can bank some income and not have to move in the snow (hopefully!)  
Austin is back in school and is doing great!  He loves to be around other kids I can tell, I am not as thrilled about some of the stuff he learns from those boys :)  BUT he has a great teacher and the kids are good kids.  I have fun when I volunteer on Wednesdays; inside recess = Uno time! Austin is in 3rd grade reading and math and loves math which is great.  I always wished math came easy to me but it didn't.  He has also started cub scouts and is enjoying that.

Andrew is a complete charmer.  He smiles at everyone and waves to people in restaurants.  Old ladies (and men) love him!  He is a happy baby, but let me tell you I know when he wants something NOW!!  He is a boy with his own time schedule.  It is weird to have one child that started walking on textbook baby time and one who thinks it is just faster to crawl or be held!  He takes steps now but hasn't bought into the whole "walking is better" thing.  He will do it on his own time - as long as he is grooving before his 18 month appointment, I am fine with that!  

Tony is getting ready to start his pre-reqs for PA school this semester.  Hard science classes but he likes those kind.  I may or may not start this semester, Butler is taking its sweet time getting me my transcript.  Maybe I will just start in the summer.  Then I have more time to get used to going back to school.  Hopefully in 2 1/2 or 3 years I will have all the classes finished and be an RN.  Then after Tony is finished w/school we can go on mission trips together and do medical stuff!  That is probably what I am most excited about being an RN!  

For 2009:  
  • Lose weight - not be all huffy puffy for running
  • More time myself and God - that has fallen by the wayside lately and I can totally tell!
  • Focus on goals and don't sweat the small stuff
  • Find more fun stuff to do in Fort Wayne with my boys
  • Pay off the van (definitely) and possibly the car also


seeree, phd said...

Adam's friend Jeanette is starting PA school at St Francis in May. Is Tony applying for this year or next year??
It sounds like you and yours have had a great year! Hopefully 2009 will be just as great! Or better!

Kaco said...

Hooray Beth!!

Beth said...

He's applying to start May of 2010