I met with my advisor today at IPFW and then registered for my classes. She is very nice and good at explaining things. I didn't really have any questions except what if I have another kid can I sit out a semester? (the answer is yes) I do kind of wonder if she could tell I am inwardly freaking out about going back after such a long time away??
I have full days Tues and Thurs and the M,W,F have an 8am class (which I may regret!) then W also a lab from 10-12. I'm taking Anatomy and Phisiology(sp?), Chemistry, Nutrition, a writing class (good thing my mom teaches writing so she can help me), and speech. Darn Butler only 2 credit hours for speech so I have to take it over!!!
I am glad I have Mon and Fri and most of Wed left for the kids. Tony is going to help some w/homeschooling, but it will be a challenge to make sure Austin is still learning what he needs to. I am thinking of switching up some of the curriculum; I found one kind that does a lot on the computer and Austin really likes computer work. I may use it for a few subjects so Tony can supervise and work at the same time. It is going to be a fun semester of experimenting. I have in the past functioned better with more on my plate, we will see what happens!
so maybe I need a spelling class - anatomy and phYsiology, not i.
if there was a 'like' button on here like facebook, i would click it. :)
go Beth!!!!!
Thanks Kacey!
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